Cheilla’s Journey: Overcoming Challenges to Pursue a Dream of Healing and Hope

My name is Cheilla and I’m 15.

Before joining the New Generation programme, my life was full of challenges and difficulties. I live with my grandmother and my sisters; my parents abandoned us when we were little, so we live with my grandmother now, and she puts in all the effort trying to look after us.

I was also exposed to challenges at school, and it was difficult for me to continue my education due to a lack of school fees and school materials.

Education is important to me because it will enable me to get a diploma so that I can apply for a job. I will join Class 6 (Primary 6th) in the academic year 2024-2025.

I have a dream of becoming a great gynecologist, but I also have a deep desire to help street children and take care of my grandmother.

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