Aimé’s story


“My name is Aimé and I’m 16. I’m part of the ECOFO Kinindo Club at New Generation.

This club has transformed me, I’m no longer the same person, from the way I talk, to my behavior in the community and neighborhood. All has changed, and I feel more responsible

So far, I have learnt about sexual health and it has helped. I have also learnt that someone is not nice because of their looks but because of what they say and do and shows a good attitude in their actions.

We are the future generation, we are responsible for creating a peaceful world and not repeat the same mistakes made by previous generations.

Having more clubs like these around the country make a good platform for young people who are into drugs and who drink alcohol, commit adultery. Clubs like these can help in mending behaviors and transforming the youth in a positive way’’.

In his second semester in school, he thought of building a small place for chickens, starting with having 2 who can produce eggs and eventually selling these later once he has more chickens.

Aime joined Grade 8 from September 2022 and wishes to become a comedian or a basketball player in the future.

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