New Generation in

Street Child Cricket World Cup

 For the very first time, New Generation Burundi is participating in the Street Child Cricket World Cup! A mixed gender team comprising of 4 young girls and 4 young boys will be flying to India in September 2023 to represent the country.

A total of 24 teams will be present during the big event. There will be Art & Advocacy sessions as well. We are thrilled and looking forward to the learnings this new experience has to offer. 

We will touch and expand on the topic of ‘’Lack of Education’’ in Burundi, the challenges that children face, the basic rights that street-connected children lack among other rights, such as ‘’Right to Education’’.

For more information on the upcoming event and latest news, please visit:

About Us

New Generation Burundi was founded and lead by Dieudonné Nahimana. Dieudonné struggled to find a place to live after his father was murdered during the 1993 war.

Dieudonné says that in the streets, he noticed that street children were one of the first groups that disregarded the notion of ethnic difference in Burundi.

This inspired him to come up with a project that draws strength from and with street children, to not only get them off the streets but also to develop future leaders for a better country.